Cyberkien's Music

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Transformers2_1We, human being are comfort what we are, where we are, and who we are all the time. Making a transformation of life is usually difficult because we are familiar dealing with most of thing in our current environment. Suddenly we need to change, how much we will lose in making such changes? How fast could we suit to the new environment? How big our network can grow in the new survive land? But this is not the reason for us to resist the change, as human being, we are the most intelligence to suit, survive with new land.

Transform is difficult, but will be the only way to find myself a better future. Or should I? I believe remain will be the crisis for me. Four years, I’m living lighthearted, working unpressurized, sleeping comfortable (most of the time “no”). Everything is fine for me, thanks god. But if consistently, it might make me no improvement at all since long time I’m standing in the same place. I’m having all the same experience, the works are repeated, and the same words out from my mouth “Everything can lose but not self confident”. Year by year, I’m doing still the same, and I know I will not go further if I remain the comfortable position where I’m now. The transformation is a must !

I did transform my life once four years ago from self employed to work for others. I think the timing now is suit for me to plan for another switch. My eager to change, my willingness to accept new challenge, my enthusiasm to grant my better future. Do I have another choices? I would prefer to use the picture of Spiderman; it said thousand of my presence feeling.

Monday, October 27, 2008





: 你爱我像谁 : Cyberkien

(黄字 = 闽南语)








对每个人 都说还好








Thursday, October 23, 2008









Wednesday, October 22, 2008


May be you are right. Looking back for the past few years, i realized that my judgment about life might be aggressive after encountering a drawn up in my business.

True or false? Right or wrong? Like standing before a piece of mirror, your right hand is shown at the other side in the shinning screen. How could we judge? Many things do not have answers, i shouldn't insist my view and disagree others.

I’m totally release, and noticed that few years back how my stubbornness is. Now my life has come to another level.

I learned the new living philosophy, but should I change?

May be I need some refreshment. Visit to the nature; take a deep breath to the fresh air. Take a recess to continue my longer living journey.


Yo ! On this coming Saturday, I’m going to Genting Highland with my friends. Genting Highland, the Malaysia only casino. Below is the sure win strategic:

1. 赌徒A: 为什么每次你都不多做考虑,第一时间就把赌注给押了?

赌徒B: 难道你不明白什么叫先下手为强吗 !

2. 一赌徒每到赌场,都会先把信用卡,提款卡给丢了.朋友问他为什么,他说:这是西楚霸王所说的破斧沉舟.

朋友, 不妨考虑考虑!

Monday, October 20, 2008


昨天到了梳邦医院探望一个从中国到这里念书的朋友.很不幸的,他前天出了车祸,车上四个人,只有他受伤了. 到的时候,他刚好在休息.我默默地在一旁注视着他,一个病人,躺在床上,什么事也做不了.他醒了,问了声好.身体很弱,以很轻微的声音告诉我刚动完手术,把肩膀的骨给连接回去.庆幸的,学校的事情都完成了,开始放假了.但一切的假期计划都完了.只有安慰他,别担心,轻伤而已,很快就会康复了.

常以为自己年轻,从来都不懂的照顾身体.两年的颠倒生活,确实把身体给搞坏了. 到了发奋图强时,才发现,至少要有健康的身体去冲刺,去挨苦.



Friday, October 17, 2008

What Am I Doing

Time is passing,

I’m aging,

The girl is smiling,

But I’m not dare to tackling,

What am I doing ?

My mood is so contradicting,

I need some introspecting,

Friends, I need your advising,

Please give me your guiding,

Because I really don’t know what am I doing !

10th Years Gathering

How fast is ten years?

Finally I had finished my gathering photo album uploaded to this blog. I’m lucky to be one of my class members, year 1997, 5B, SMJK Yu Hua. Thanks for my entire classmates.

Is you, to make the yearly gathering so successful.

Is you, to bring my life with joy and fun.

Is you, to give me your hand when I’m down.

Without you, I will not have so much today !

Thank you !

Thunder Cat and His Sword

记得小时候,陪我成长的卡通片中,印象深刻的有THUNDER CAT.主角人物有一把配剑,每当遇上敌人时,他总会把剑举起,口中念念有词,把力量注入剑内,才遇敌人开战,他的剑是为了保护朋友,同僚,避免家园受到敌人破坏.


曾几何时,这里也流行了玩剑.剑善剑恶,掌握在持剑人的心态.路遥知马力,日久见人心.历史,时间是这一切的最好证明.相信广大群众心里有数!善哉! 善哉!



人生一波又一波的挫折,或许我们认为,为何自己的生活那么苦.但试回想一下,以前遇到的障碍,我们还不是一样也跨了过去. 其实许多的不如意,就好象在我们人生的路途中,增添了些色彩.只要我们不放弃,勇敢的走下去,一次又一次,越走越坚强,越自信.



这一天,他遇上了她…. 她微微地对他笑了下….示了招呼…..他从她眼神中感受到了两份情 – 逝去的深情与如陌路的无情.

她或许恨他,但无可否认,他们曾经爱的山崩地裂.缘深缘浅,只怪老天造物弄人. 人说爱情是在对的时间,对的地点遇上对的人.偏偏他们遇上了…对的地点…错误的时间...

Always Be With You

Story start : A couple, the boy is going overseas to continue his study. They have very good relationship. Before the boy leave, he had given the girl a phone and simcard. Then he left. At the beginning, they were calling and smsing each other. This was their only way of their contact. But after this, no more calling conversation between them and they were only sms each other. Actually, after the boy left for overseas, the girl had infection by cancer. Then, she passed away.

After finishing his study, the boy came back to homeland, directly he made a visit to the girl, but the girl’s mother told him that girl had passed away. It is unbelievable because they communicated each other by sms. The boy can’t believe it. “That is impossible because the cellphone had buried together with the girl’s body into the coffin” The girl’s mother said.

So together they had gone to the grave. At that moment, a person with yellow color jump up and said “ I will follow you” Everyone is frighten. HA HA !

Digi “Always Be With You”





她, 遥不可及

她, 又仿佛近在咫尺


Every Hero Has a Choice

蜘蛛侠 : 每个英雄都有个选择


父母的位置决定了孩子的人生起点,但这个世界上,没有永远的穷和富,也没有永远的成功与失败,有的只是 : “我奋斗我成功的真理”.


自古以来”人因梦想而伟大”. 梦想造就了爱迪生,富兰克林,马可尼,比尔.盖茨等人.就连我们的新闻头条人物,也因为当年的梦想,而当上了赌王.在这里,特别向他致敬!我们的骄傲!虽然您离开了,但留下来的,将流芳百世.

成功 = 梦想 + 热情 + 野心 + 行动计划

那 你选了吗?

Team Work & Glory

Well Done for Ferrari F1 team & driver Kimi Raikkonen. Ferrari had grabbed both the driver & constructor Champion, F1 2007. I had watched every race this year. A good team work shown at Ferrari team, both of their drivers, Kimi & Felipe Massa, director – Jean Todd, every technician & personnel. They are doing a good job all year long. Before the last 2 race, Ferrari team is far behind McClaren team. Kimi is 17 points behind leader Lewis Hamilton. But the turning point is, the relationship broke up between McClaren drivers, Fernando Alonso and Hamilton. If you watch the last 2 race, you will notice that, both of them are competing among themselves, as a teammate, this shouldn’t happen. They even clash each other at the Shanghai race. Other than this, Alonso claimed that McClaren team is more helpful to Hamilton, because he is British.

Due to these, Kimi managed to grab the opportunity to overtake them and become the F1 world champion 2007. For any F1 driver, 17 points lead, and 2 races leaf, is consider safe logically. If Alonso and Hamilton can team up with each other, either 1 of them will become world champion today. For Hamilton, he even can put his name to the history, first rookie world champion. But everything is over for this year.

I adore the word from movie Blood Diamond, Leonardo Dicaprio has said “We fought and die together”. As Malaysian, use this for our 3 major races, “ We fought and achieve Wawasan 2020 together”.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


