Cyberkien's Music

Friday, December 5, 2008


Dear My Friends,

    How much sleep did you get last night?  Were you lucky enough to get a full 8 or 9 hours, or did you have problems just falling asleep?  These days, more and more people complain about not getting enough rest or sleep, and the current financial and economic problems certainly don't help things.

While it doesn't look like things are going to be resolved quickly, hopefully at the beginning of next year, we will have a better idea of the direction the economy is going to take.  In the meantime, many of us need to find a way to cope with the current stress.  I find that one way to do that is to make sure that I get plenty of rest.

    When you go to bed feeling tense, it is difficult to fall asleep.  One sure way to avoid such tension is to relax the body through exercise.  Exercise relaxes our muscles and, as a result, we can drop into peaceful slumber more easily.

    Another way to insure better sleep quality is to relax our minds through short meditations or deep breathing exercises.  Contrary to what many may think, meditation is an easy practice, and one that can be done on your own and at your leisure.  All you need to do is to set aside a few minutes on a regular basis to clear your mind of clutter.  You can do this by sitting quietly with your eyes closed or through an activity that frees your mind and helps you relax, like gardening, tai chi, knitting, or even a nice hot shower.

    Once you are able to relax your body and mind, sleep is much easier to come by and the benefits to slumber are numerous.  When rested, your body functions better, your mood improves, and your stamina increases.  Your mind is sharper, you are likely to make better decisions, and you will be able to work more quickly and efficiently.  So, the extra bit of time you set aside for rest and sleep can actually pay off through increased productivity and enthusiasm for life. 
    Friends, I hope you will try these suggestions and incorporate them into your daily schedule.  I don't think you'll be disappointed, and while my suggestions won't help to resolve the current worries, hopefully you'll feel more rested.

Best Wishes,


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