Welcome to my new cyberspace. During the busy world these days, we are busy enough for our daily routine. For me to bring my friends (local & oversea) closer to me, i'm intending to share about my happening in this blog. While we are fighting for our better future life, the so call modern human being are always ignore about what is the real wealth. In the same time, i would publish the health knowledge i gained, i hope the reader benefited from it.
" 我悄悄地走了, 正如我悄悄地来了,
我挥一挥衣袖, 把恶气全带走"
恶灵灵气临走前,问了我想要什么? 嘿,儿令你发都跟我了,我还要求什么呢?想了想,我希望它把它的同党们,霉气,衰气也从我家人,朋友们身上带走.哗谢, 真爽快,它答应了.但它叮咛说,叫你们好好准备新的一年,大家一起"二零零发"
朋友们, 一年之计始于春,让我们现在开始就为我们的二零零发做计划.不管2007走地好不好,过去了就让它过去,新的一年,是人生旅程的又一个起点,愿你能够坚持不懈地跑下去,迎接你的将是那美好的充满无穷魅力的未来!
Vitamins are substances that are naturally present in the foods we eat. Although we only need a small amount of them, they are crucial for normal growth, development and good health. Vitamins do not contain any calories but they are necessary for the body to convert food into energy. Vitamins are also essential in building and repairing cells, tissues and organs.
In recent years, taking vitamin supplements has become the norm rather than the exception due to modern people's fast-paced lives and hectic schedules. Many people assume that by popping multi vitamin pills, they make up for what they lacked in their diets. After all, even if supplements do not help, they will not harm.
Advocates of vitamin supplementation believe that vitamins can greatly eradicate free-radical damage, thereby preventing cancer and other diseases. This theory was once supported by initial tests. However, recent tests reveal disturbing results. According to the latest study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), taking supplements such as vitamins A, E and beta-carotene could shorten lifespan.
Vitamins A, E and beta-carotene have recently been discovered by researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, to raise the risk of the early death by 16, four and seven percent respectively. Current research by Harvard University shows that adding vitamin A to low-fat milk is not beneficial for the body as it may lead to osteoporosis. In addition, people who take vitamin A supplement face a 50 percent increased risk of bone fracture.
In the past, it was said that taking vitamin A supplements can lead to lower risk of lung cancer for men below 60 who have been smoking for less than 40 years. The latest research, however, states that this protective effect works only if one eats a well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in vitamin E.
Vitamin C did not fare any better. It has been found that long term consumption of vitamin C pills may increase oxalic acid in the body, thereby increasing the risk of oxalate-type kidney stone formation. Allicin, the principal biological active compound of garlic, was once thought to reduce cholesterol, hypertension and help fight infection. However, recent research found out that the effects are temporarily and inconsistent.
The American Dietetic Association, US National Academy of Sciences and the British Heart Foundation maintain that the best way to obtain vitamins is through wholesome foods, that vitamins in pill form should not be used to substitute a balanced diet.
Wholesome plant foods are rich in a variety of nutrients essential to health. Certain plant foods, like soy, are also rich in protein. That prompts many to ask: why don't plant foods produce the same toxic effects that an excess of multi-vitamin pill does ?
The reason is because in plant foods, nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides exist in a "package" with numerous other beneficial compounds, such as fibers, enzymes, co-enzymes and amino acids, to name just a few. Experts have approximated the figure to 40 nutrients or more. This interrelated and balanced "arrangement" ensures that nutrients are absorbed optimally by the body. No matter how hard one tries, this balance cannot be created in a vitamin bottle.
Take a carrot for example. A 100-gram serving of raw carrots contains about 2800 IU* of vitamin A. Although this exceeds the recommended amount for women, it will not cause any side effects like fatigue and liver damage if one eats carrot everyday. The vitamin A in carrots exist in its natural molecular structure, in harmony with other nutrients. It is easy digested and absorbed by the body. The vitamin A supplement is artificially made. Like a drug, it is in pure form, and when taken in large amounts, cause harmful side effects.
Wholesome plant foods contain phytochemicals, which studies have shown to reduce cancer risk. Many fruits and vegetables are also good sources of antioxidants-substances that are effective in fighting free radicals. Consumption of plant-based antioxidants helps in anti-aging and keeps the immune system in tip-top condition to defend the body against diseases.
Also, fiber is found only in plant foods. Soluble fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and control the rise of blood sugars while insoluble fiber aids digestion and helps metabolism. Research shows that fiber plays an important part in the body; it helps prevent gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. What's more, plant foods are easily digested and low in fat, calories and cholesterol, which makes them the perfect fuel for boosting the immune system.
The dosage of supplements often far exceeds what the body needs on the daily basis. Studies have shown that an overdose of vitamins, even slightly in excess, can cause undesirable outcomes. As a result, toxicity may occur when supplements are taken over a period of time. For example, many people take large amounts of vitamin C believing that it will help prevent or minimize the symptoms of a cold. However, there is no evidence suggesting this benefit. On the contrary, overdosing on vitamin C can lead to diarrhea, kidney stones and in some serious cases, heart and liver problems.
Hence, for health reasons, always obtain what you need from the diet. Many people fall ill because they lack nutritional knowledge. Many more do not know that nature provides all the nourishment we need for a healthy immune system. In fact, all we need to do is to make the simple decision to eat healthier to improve and prolong our lives. That said, it is crucial to remember that since our body only produces a few vitamins, it is important for us to eat a wide variety of foods; no single food can provide all the nutrients we need daily. When we eat wholesome diets, we can be sure that we will get all the necessary nutrients and other substances our body need for optimum health.
*An International Unit (IU) is an internationally accepted amount of a substances. This type of measure is used for fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D and E) and certain hormones, enzymes, and biologicals (such as vaccines).
One day, a black spider wove a very large web between two eaves in the backyard. Does a spider fly ? How else could it stretch the first thread from one end of the yard to the other, about 10 feet apart ?
I later discovered that the spider had made many turns along the way. From one edge of the eaves, it made a knot, and made its way downward step by step along the wall, with its butt lifted upward so that the thread could be kept away from the sand or other objects on the floor. It crawled across the space, and then made its way up towards the other edge of the eaves until it was at almost the same height. It would then tighten the thread. The same was repeated many, many times.
The morale of the story
The spider does not fly, but it can span its web across the air. It is diligent, sensitive, taciturn yet sturdy insect, whose web is woven in a highly delicate and orderly manner. We must therefore bear in mind that the spider cannot fly, but can still span its web across the air. In our career, we must have a strong belief in success and never give up. This is because faith is a powerful force. If you believe that you will succeed , then you will.
蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它能够把网凝结在半空中。它是勤奋,敏感,沉默而坚韧的昆虫,它的网制得精巧而规 矩,八卦形地张开,仿佛得到神助。于是,我们要记住了蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它照样把网结在空中。在自己的事业上,你必须拥有一颗坚信成功的信念,永不放弃的精 神。因为信念是一种无坚不摧的力量,当你坚信自己能成功时,你必能成功。
含两眸凝望蓝蓝的天空,捧一朵天宇间七彩幻云,在偶然的交叉点上你我不期而遇。彼此从相识到相知,从相互牵挂演绎成那份沉甸甸的思念。幽幽遥望着你 所在的城市,企盼能永远陪伴在你的身边。我的爱虽然浅淡,却是藏在了繁华的深处。对爱我从来是无能为力,只能倾注于文字,这满页的字字句句,都衔接成了我 对你的相思。当温馨的思念埋在心怀时,总会感叹于言语的苍白。 唉!
" 谢谢深爱的你,陪我走过这么多。"或许缘深缘浅,或许老天造物弄人,这一些都已随风而过 。留着的,只待时间冲淡。
在缤纷的花语中,在采花的双蝶里,守我们今世的约定,觅我们来世的期盼。走不过的青山几许,望不尽的轻舟万帆。敲响的是钟声,走过的是岁月,留下的 是希望,盼望的是美好,想念的是至爱,送去的是祝福。此时此刻,只将缠绵的心语浓缩在芬郁的字里行间,在这安谧的日子,于旋律间聆听爱上你我真的快乐,默 默送给你。亲爱的,握紧我的手,答应我,无论多么坎坷的路程,笑着行走。 如果有缠绵的旋律,从你的梦中淌过,那定是我最美的祝愿……
一帆风顺 一生安康
Without doubt, healthy diet plays an important role to our health. Vegetables, fruits, and meats from the last generation are healthier than present due to less usage of weed control, the pesticide, hormone injection and so on.
But time has changed and the foods we eat these days may contain kind of sugar of unknown chemical substances. Moreover, we are not educated of its harmful side effect.
Hence, dietary habit has become the modern human's health issue. Our health is like a depository, when we eat unhealthy foods, it could disturb our system and the body cannot function properly. When the depository becomes empty, various kind of disease such as heart disease, cancer could appear.
Most people claim that they are already healthy - they are not in hospital suffering from a crippling disease and do not need to rely on medication regularly. But what they do not realize is that human beings are constantly bombarded by a myriad of harmful substances daily: pollutants in the air and water, metals, pesticides, food chemicals and preservatives, alcohol and caffeine. We may not suffer its effects immediately, but the consequences can be dire in the long run, with body experiencing a host of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, kidney problems and cancer.
人们总是以为不用住院接受治疗,无需按时吃药就等于身体健康。其实我们的身体每天都暴露在无数的威胁 中,包括空气和水中的污染物,重金属,农药,事物中的化学物质和防腐剂,酒精以及咖啡因等。这些有害物质对人体的侵害不是立即就产生的,而是随着人体功能 的日渐衰退形成可怕的疾病,例如心脏疾病,高血压,糖尿病,肾脏病及癌症等。
The body prevents toxic waste from accumulating through detoxification - an effective cleaning process involving the immune system, skin, lungs, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. With increasing work-related stress and worsening environmental pollution, the body is faced with a greater challenge to maintain its immune system. It is common knowledge that cars need regular servicing to ensure peak performance. Like wise, the immune system need proper nourishment daily for optimal functioning of the body. This often requires a double-pronged approach: providing nutrients to fortify the immune system to against diseases during the day while focusing on regeneration and repair of immune cells at night.
身体需要通过排毒来保持身体健康,排毒过程包括人体内的免疫系统,皮肤,肺,肾脏,肝脏以及肠胃道等 部位通过清除毒素以保持正常的运作。然而,随着工作压力的增加以及日渐恶化的环境污染,身体需要面对更严峻的挑战才得以保持身体免疫系统的健康。我们都知 道,汽车需要定时保养才能维持最佳的性能,人体也一样,免疫系统也需要日常适当的营养来维持最佳健康状态。其中最有效的方法就是在日间摄取均衡适当的营养 来强化免疫系统,在晚间则加强免疫细胞的修复,使免疫系统时刻得到最佳的滋养。
It is irony that though affluence has given us a widen access to many different cuisines, many of us remain nutritionally deficient. Many of us are aware that providing the body with balanced diet of macro-nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats are essential to good health. Yet, important immunity-building compounds, namely antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides remain neglected in our diets.
我们虽然处于在一个丰衣足食的时代,却仍然有许多人有营养失调的问题,这的确是一个很讽刺的现象。人 们大多数都意识到从饮食中摄取均衡的常量营养素,包括蛋白质,碳水化合物以及脂肪等对身体健康非常重要,然而人们却经常忽略了强健免疫系统的重要元素,如 抗氧化剂,植物营养素以及多糖体的重要性。
Financial advisors never tire of repeating this oft-heard mantra - start saving early and get huge payoff when you are older. The same could be said about our diet. For example, researchers have long suspected that what a woman eats in her 20s, 30s and 40s could lower her breast cancer risk in midlife. they think that prolonged exposure to hormones like estrogen and progesterone levels in the body increases breast cancer risk. Eating healthy low-fat, high-fibre meals may actually lower these hormone levels.
Cancer is not only a result of what we eat, but also what we do not eat. Nutritional deficiencies brought about by hurried and unbalanced meals can drastically undermine the immune system. Many studies have shown that plant food is of particular value in the battle against cancer.
财政顾问常会不压其烦地再三强调:及早开始做好准备,以在年老时获得可观的回报。其实饮食的道理也一 样,例如:研究人员一直人为,女性从20-40岁其间的正确饮食,有助于降低中年患上乳癌的风险。他们指出,若体内的荷尔蒙,如雌激素与黄体素的水平长期 升高,将会增加患山乳癌的风险,而摄取低肢肪,高钎维的健康饮食,能够帮助降低这些荷尔蒙水平。
Choosing of variety of plant foods is also crucial for there is no particular plant that can accommodate all of our nutritional needs. Therefore, scientists say that we must consume at least 10 different types of plant foods daily for an adequate supply of nutrients.
When we eat a combination of wholesome plant foods, we are also consuming a combination of different antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides. Likewise, when we consume different species of the same plant, we may be obtaining different benefits.
Other than controlling what we eat, emotional stability is also an important factor to prevent cancer. This is because long-term anxiety and restlessness will cause our immunity to fall rapidly, and unable to work optimally.
Prevention is better than cure. If we have the awareness of preventing illnesses and cancers, watch our diet, take sufficient rest, engage in regular physical exercises and keep emotional stability, we will be able to live healthily and happily.
The human body needs the support of the musculoskeletal system - bones, joints, cartilage and muscles - to house delicate organs and physiological systems.
Important Functions Of The Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system supports the body's weight and enables the body to stand straight and move. The bones and muscles protect the head, the delicate structures in the thorax and the various body systems. The red bone marrow in the bones is the source of white and other blood cells. Bones also store minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus, and fat cells in the marrow cavity can store lipids.
骨肌系统肩负着许多重要的功能,包括支撑身体的重量,同时让身体能够直立与行动。骨肌与肌肉能够保护头部和胸腔内的精细结构,也为人体个器官的系统 运作提供保护。骨骼中的红骨髓是白血球和其他细胞的泉源。此外,骨骼还可作为矿物质的储存场所,尤其是钙。磷等,骨髓腔内的脂肪细胞也可储存脂质。
Dietary Habits Influence The Health Of The Musculoskeletal System
Imbalanced diets, lack of exercise and excessive work pressure often cause problems in the musculoskeletal system of many people. Counties people worldwide suffer from musculoskeletal diseases and symptoms such as joint diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, spinal diseases and lower back pain. Research shows that inappropriate nutritional intake will weaken the immune system. This is the chief cause of the body's inability to resist invading bacteria and viruses.
Hence, a balance diet is crucial for prevention of various musculoskeletal diseases. The human immune system can help repair bodily tissues, but you must provide the best nutrients by eating nutritious fresh vegetables and fruits, before the immune system is able to repair damaged bones or muscle tissue.
现代人的生活形状,例如饮食失调,疏于运动,工作压力过大等往往造成许多人的骨肌系统出现问题,而这些毛病对人们的影响是不容忽视的。目前,全球有 无数人正受到关节病变,风湿性关节炎,骨关节炎,骨质疏松症,脊槯疾病,下背痛等骨肌系统疾病或症状所折磨。研究发现,不适当的营养摄取是削弱免疫系统, 导致身体无法对抗这类疾病侵害的主要原因。
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to an increased susceptibility to fractures. Many people try to prevent osteoporosis by increasing calcium intake through their diet. For example, they drink lots of cow's milk. From as early as the 19th century, scientists have warned that diet rich in animal protein will cause calcium to be lost through urine, resulting in calcium deficiency.
There are many other sources of calcium, many green vegetables such as broccoli and Chinese kales are good sources of calcium that are easily absorbed by the human body. Some legumes, especially soy, are highly nutritious and rich in calcium. Phytochemicals unique to soy - soy isoflavones - can effectively prevent calcium loss, enhance the body's calcium absorption and increase bone density.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Most people attribute the cause of their swollen, painful or stiff joints to problems with their joints, the lack of calcium or aging bones. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), one of the most common types of joint diseases, is in fact linked to a malfunctioning immune system. When an immune system malfunctions, it may lead to allergies or autoimmune diseases. RA is a type of autoimmune disease, whereby the immune system is unable to distinguish between enemy cells and the body's own healthy cells or tissues. People of any age can develop RA.
Thus, intake of suitable nutrients to maintain a balanced immune system is very important for effective prevention of RA. Plant foods help maintain the body's balanced and do not disrupt the immune system's functions. At the same time, they help defend the body against various disease.
当大多数人的关节发生红肿,疼痛或僵硬等情况时,往往以为只是关节部位出现问题,或是由于缺乏钙质,骨骼老化所致。然而,导致一种最普遍的关节病变 之一,“风湿性关节炎”的原因,实际上与免疫系统失调有关。失调的免疫系统会导致过敏或自体免疫疾病的发生。而风湿性关节炎就属于自体免疫疾病,是由于免 疫系统无法分辨敌我而盲目地攻击自己的细胞或组织所造成,可发生与任何年龄层。
Adopt Early Prevention Measures
Adjusting our diet and lifestyle can help prevent musculoskeletal diseases. Experts recommend moderate exercise, good body posture, a healthy weight and sufficient rest to help prevent musculoskeletal diseases. Eating foods rich in bone-and muscle-strengthening nutrients like calcium and vitamins helps the musculoskeletal system to run smoothly, as well as prevent diseases caused by an imbalance in the immune system.
However, choosing appropriate nutrients is very important. Nutritional Immunology advocates wholesome plant foods provide the body with suitable, balance nutrition and help keep the immune system healthy and balance without any side effect. Hence, take note of the nutrient intake from the daily diet to ensure the immune system receives suitable nourishment. That, plus a healthy lifestyle, is the best way to prevent musculoskeletal diseases from robbing us of our healthy.
大部分疾病都能通过饮食与生活方式的调整加以预防,骨肌系统疾病也不例外。专家指出,维持适度的运动,正确的身体姿势,健康的体重及充分的休息有助 于预防因老化或生活习惯导致骨肌疾病而从饮食中摄取富含增强骨骼与肌肉的营养,例如钙质,维生素等养分有助于保持骨肌系统功能正常运作,以及预防因免疫系 统失调而引起的疾病。
然而必须注意,选择正确而适当的营养非常重要。营养免疫学所提倡的完整植物性食物,能为人体提供适当,均衡的营养,帮助免疫系统维持健康平衡的状 态,而不会造成任何副作用。因此,在日常生活中注意营养的摄取,以让免疫系统得到适当的滋养,再配合健康的生活方式,是防止骨肌疾病剥夺健康的最佳方法。
One day, a lobster and a hermit crab met in the deep ocean. The hermit crab saw that the lobster was trying to shed its shell, exposing its soft and tender body. The hermit crab said anxiously: "Lobster, how could you give up the only hard shell covering your body ? Are you not afraid that the larger fishes would swallow you up ? With your condition now, even the swift current would bang you onto the rock, and you are not going to survive that !"
The Lobster answered calmly: "Thank you very much for your concern. However, you don't seem to understand that each time we lobsters grow, we must first shed our old shells before we can grow solid and new ones. The danger we are facing now is only to prepare ourselves for the tougher times ahead."
The hermit crab was thinking, all these while he was only busily searching for shelters, and had never thought of the ways to grow stronger. He could only survive under the shelter of others, and had restricted his growth and development.
The Moral of The Story
We all have our own comfort zones. If we want to go beyond our current achievements, we must never draw a line to confine ourselves. We must always be prepared to bravely embrace the challenges to excel ourselves. You can be a lot better than what you thought you were capable of.
有一天, 龙虾与寄居蟹在深海中相遇,寄居蟹看见龙虾正把自己的硬壳脱掉,只露出娇嫩的身躯。寄居蟹非常紧张地说:“龙虾,你怎可以把唯一保护自己身躯的硬壳也放弃呢?难道你不怕有大鱼一口把你吃掉吗?以你现在的情况来看,连急流也会把你冲到岩石去,到时你不死才怪呢?”
The body and skin work together every day to combat harmful elements, such as germs and UV rays. This fight requires a robust body system that is able to vigorously defend against infectious microbes, keeping us healthy and strong.
Nutritional Immunology and Our Body
A cancer pandemic is right at Asia's doorstep. The unholy trinity of unhealthy diets, smoking and drinking - all linked to various cancers - may driven Asian cancer rates up 60% by 2020, some expert predicts.
Replacing vegetables and fruits with fatty means full of meat and salt has led to increases in stomach and colon cancers. Meanwhile, traditional diseases like malaria are killing fewer people, building an aging population primed for cancer.
In this age of instant gratification, many turn to antibiotics and drugs when ill. Antibiotics and drugs do have their places in medical treatments. However, they often treat only the symptoms and not the root of the problem.
The immune system protects the body from harmful invaders round the clock and is dependent on food for strength and proper function. Fortunately, we can choose foods that will nourish and strengthen the immune system. The link between nutrition and the immune system is the basis of the special science known as Nutritional Immunology.
The World Health Organization says that an estimated 40% of cancers worldwide can be prevented by exercising, not using tobacco and eating healthy foods. Nutritional Immunology focuses on wholesome plant foods rich in disease-fighting nutrients like antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides.
Research shows that these nutrients are extremely beneficial to strengthening the immune functions and cancer prevention. Wholesome plant foods are a better source of nutrients as they are more easily absorbed than chemically processed nutrients.
Nutritional Immunology and Our Skin
Clear, beautiful skin is achieved by fortifying the body inside out. The same nutrients that are good for your body are also vital for healthy skin. Hence, E.Excel has developed products high in nutrients. Apart from combating free radicals in the body, antioxidants nourish the body's first line of defense - the skin.
In addition to healthy eating, E.Excel product provide a way to further protect and nurture our skin. Based on the science of Nutritional Immunology, the new range of Elemente products contains a revolutionary breakthrought in skincare science - The Oxiyginberry Complex.
Made from extracts of Ginseng Berry, Cactus Fruit, Cactus, Grape Seed, Rose and Seaweed, Oxyginberry Complex is packed with powerful antioxidants, nutrients and trace minerals to reduce the threat of free radicals and the visible signs of aging while promoting skin renewal.
Beautiful Skin from the Inside Out
Here's the skinny on how to attain beautiful skin from within :
Fiber Up !
Rev up your digestive system with a high-fiber diet. Fiber - found only in plant sources - is essential for clearing toxins from the digestive system so they do not reach the rest of the body. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are essential for good health.
Soluble fiber is found in natural psyllium husks, apple, strawberries, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables. Good sources of insoluble fiber include green leafy vegetables, whole grains and celery. Whole foods are preferable to fiber supplements. The latter does not provide the beneficial nutrients the high-fiber foods do.
由内而外 肌肤光彩无暇
想要拥有光彩无暇的肌肤,以下几点不可不知 :
Protect Your Liver For Healthy Skin
A healthy liver contributes to clear, beautiful skin as it neutralizes toxins. When the liver is overworked and cannot clear toxins from the body, other eliminative organs, such as skin, try to remove these toxins. This causes the skin to erupt in acne, rashes, eczema, resulting in a dull and unhealthy complexion. Puffy eyelids in the morning may also indicate a stressed liver.
Help your liver by decreasing its toxin burden. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar, chemical additives, and junk foods.
保护肝脏健康 增进肌肤亮丽
Nourish Your Skin with Antioxidants and Phytochemicals
Free radical damages is bad for the skin because it weakens the support structures, thereby decreasing elasticity and eventually causing wrinkles and sagging. Antioxidants in the diet help prevent free radical damage and are vital for healthy, glowing skin.
The human body manufactures it own set of antioxidants. However, this innate ability to repair free radical damage weakens as the body ages. Hence scientists recommend a diet rich in antioxidants to help reinforce this ability.
Antioxidants can be found in our foods, including various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Nutritional experts recommend obtaining your antioxidants from whole foods rather than supplements. Your body knows how to process natural nutrients from foods much better than manufactured and varieties.
In addition to antioxidants, vegetables, fruits and herbs also contain protective, disease-preventing plant chemicals known as phytochemicals.
Eat Light, Eat Right
Help your skin look its best with these simple daily measures :
Good nutrition is the key to healthy skin. What's more, nutrients that contribute to beautiful skin also contribute to general well-being. Bolster your skin health with wholesome plant foods. Your skin (and overall health) will thank you for it !
以下这些简单的生活习惯,有助于打造亮丽肌肤 :
向前看 !
Look Ahead !
A young man went to the circus wanting to learn how to walk on a tightrope. After a few months, the teacher felt that the young man had been able to master some of the fundamental skills, and wanted him to formally train on the tightrope.
Despite the fact that there was a safety net spread underneath him, the young man was dead afraid, as it was the first time he ever had to walk so high above the ground. After walking a couple of steps, he looked down. The more he looked down, the more fearful he got, and he almost lost his balance.
Just then the teacher shouted from the floor something that gave the young man renewed confidence : "Look ahead !"
Think about it :
You are your own teacher. Whenever you are facing difficulty or challenges, tell yourself, "Look ahead !" Be focused and face the present.
There were three construction workers. One day, after a hard day's work, they went back to their respective homes.
On the way home, the first worker was thinking, "If not because I have to lead a living, I would never do that bricklaying work. It's killing me !"
The second worker was thinking, "I have to do that bricklaying work every day. How monotonous !"
The third worker was thinking, " I worked very hard today to complete a majestic church, and after the church is completed, hundreds of people can come here for the prayer service. What a meaningful project this is !"
Now, please think about it :
Are you complaining, throwing your temper, or being creative in your life ?
Are you laying that bricks or wall or moving forward to a meaningful goal ?
Always remember to focus your mind on the bright future.
Time, is the greatest factor that brings about ageing in women. Oh, sorry, not only women, but for the men as well. When we enter the maturity phase, we have to watch out so that our facial complexion would not quietly disclose our real age ! The healthy and impeccable complexion that we used to enjoy would slowly lose its gloss and tenderness with passing of time. As such, we can no longer overlook the importance of skincare. How long we want to keep the youthful look of our complexion will have to depend on how much effort we put in !
When a man & woman turns 30, traces of age will begin surface on his/her face. With the advancement of age, the skin will present the signs of ageing. When we turn 30, our skin will begin to experience some changes, as the sebaceous secretion will dwindle and the skin will be rendered dry. When the outer skin become thinner, and subcutaneous secretion is reduced, the tissue will lose some of its elasticity, and wrinkles and eye pockets will ensure, while the skin becomes inelastic and lax. On top of that, the skin will also become more sentisive due to the ageing process, making it easy to develop rashes in response to external stimulation.
Consequently, to stay youthful, skincare is of utmost importance in order to slow down the pace of ageing and to retain that 18-year-old-look. Other than applying skincare products to improve the quality of the skin, the below also of paramount importance:
The above are helping our immuse system to function well in :
In addition, the skin will become drier when we turn 30, and while the principles of skincare should be focused on the facial complexion, the care of the skin on the other parts of our body must also not be overlooked in order to achieve holistic beauty. As such, we must avoid excessively hot bath and avoid the use of soap and ordinary shower cream. Instead, we should opt for gentle and healthy shower cream and moisturizer to provide the skin deeper nourishment.