Cyberkien's Music

Monday, November 17, 2008

Beautiful Science 美的科学

The body and skin work together every day to combat harmful elements, such as germs and UV rays. This fight requires a robust body system that is able to vigorously defend against infectious microbes, keeping us healthy and strong.


Nutritional Immunology and Our Body

A cancer pandemic is right at Asia's doorstep. The unholy trinity of unhealthy diets, smoking and drinking - all linked to various cancers - may driven Asian cancer rates up 60% by 2020, some expert predicts.

Replacing vegetables and fruits with fatty means full of meat and salt has led to increases in stomach and colon cancers. Meanwhile, traditional diseases like malaria are killing fewer people, building an aging population primed for cancer.

In this age of instant gratification, many turn to antibiotics and drugs when ill. Antibiotics and drugs do have their places in medical treatments. However, they often treat only the symptoms and not the root of the problem.

The immune system protects the body from harmful invaders round the clock and is dependent on food for strength and proper function. Fortunately, we can choose foods that will nourish and strengthen the immune system. The link between nutrition and the immune system is the basis of the special science known as Nutritional Immunology.

The World Health Organization says that an estimated 40% of cancers worldwide can be prevented by exercising, not using tobacco and eating healthy foods. Nutritional Immunology focuses on wholesome plant foods rich in disease-fighting nutrients like antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides.

Research shows that these nutrients are extremely beneficial to strengthening the immune functions and cancer prevention. Wholesome plant foods are a better source of nutrients as they are more easily absorbed than chemically processed nutrients.








Nutritional Immunology and Our Skin

Clear, beautiful skin is achieved by fortifying the body inside out. The same nutrients that are good for your body are also vital for healthy skin. Hence, E.Excel has developed products high in nutrients. Apart from combating free radicals in the body, antioxidants nourish the body's first line of defense - the skin.

In addition to healthy eating, E.Excel product provide a way to further protect and nurture our skin. Based on the science of Nutritional Immunology, the new range of Elemente products contains a revolutionary breakthrought in skincare science - The Oxiyginberry Complex.

Made from extracts of Ginseng Berry, Cactus Fruit, Cactus, Grape Seed, Rose and Seaweed, Oxyginberry Complex is packed with powerful antioxidants, nutrients and trace minerals to reduce the threat of free radicals and the visible signs of aging while promoting skin renewal.





Beautiful Skin from the Inside Out

Here's the skinny on how to attain beautiful skin from within :

Fiber Up !

Rev up your digestive system with a high-fiber diet. Fiber - found only in plant sources - is essential for clearing toxins from the digestive system so they do not reach the rest of the body. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are essential for good health.

Soluble fiber is found in natural psyllium husks, apple, strawberries, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables. Good sources of insoluble fiber include green leafy vegetables, whole grains and celery. Whole foods are preferable to fiber supplements. The latter does not provide the beneficial nutrients the high-fiber foods do.

由内而外 肌肤光彩无暇

想要拥有光彩无暇的肌肤,以下几点不可不知 :




Protect Your Liver For Healthy Skin

A healthy liver contributes to clear, beautiful skin as it neutralizes toxins. When the liver is overworked and cannot clear toxins from the body, other eliminative organs, such as skin, try to remove these toxins. This causes the skin to erupt in acne, rashes, eczema, resulting in a dull and unhealthy complexion. Puffy eyelids in the morning may also indicate a stressed liver.

Help your liver by decreasing its toxin burden. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar, chemical additives, and junk foods.

保护肝脏健康 增进肌肤亮丽




Nourish Your Skin with Antioxidants and Phytochemicals

Free radical damages is bad for the skin because it weakens the support structures, thereby decreasing elasticity and eventually causing wrinkles and sagging. Antioxidants in the diet help prevent free radical damage and are vital for healthy, glowing skin.

The human body manufactures it own set of antioxidants. However, this innate ability to repair free radical damage weakens as the body ages. Hence scientists recommend a diet rich in antioxidants to help reinforce this ability.

Antioxidants can be found in our foods, including various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Nutritional experts recommend obtaining your antioxidants from whole foods rather than supplements. Your body knows how to process natural nutrients from foods much better than manufactured and varieties.

In addition to antioxidants, vegetables, fruits and herbs also contain protective, disease-preventing plant chemicals known as phytochemicals.






Eat Light, Eat Right

Help your skin look its best with these simple daily measures :

  • Cut back on sugar and high glycemic carbohydrates (carbohydrates that convert rapidly to sugar in the bloodstream, such as potatoes, white rice and white flour). These foods can cause a spike in your blood sugar, which may lead to glycation - a process in which sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers, causing the latter to lose strength and flexibility, resulting in wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.
  • Glycation also creates "free radical factories" known as advanced glycation products (AGEs), which also increase cellular inflammation, further damaging cells, collagen and elastin.
  • Avoid caffeine. Caffeine may raise cortisol levels. Both caffeine and elevated cortisol levels dehydrate the body. This leads to dehydrated skin and premature wrinkling. Drink more water for clear, radiant skin. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, and carries nutrients to your cells. It is also essential for maintaining skin elasticity and suppleness.

Good nutrition is the key to healthy skin. What's more, nutrients that contribute to beautiful skin also contribute to general well-being. Bolster your skin health with wholesome plant foods. Your skin (and overall health) will thank you for it !


以下这些简单的生活习惯,有助于打造亮丽肌肤 :

  • 减少摄取糖分和升糖指数较高的碳水化合物食物(快速转换成糖分并进入血液的碳水化合物,例如马铃薯,白饭,面粉)。这些食物会引起血糖升高,并导致糖基化作用-糖分子附着在胶原钎维上,造成后者失去弹性,进而引起皱纹以及使肌肤失去弹性。
  • 糖基化作用也会形成自由基“制造工厂”--糖基化终末产物,增加细胞发炎的机率,并进一步造成细胞,胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白损伤。
  • 避免摄取咖啡因。咖啡因会提高皮质酵水平,而咖啡因和皮质酵水平的增加会造成身体缺少水分,进而使肌肤干燥,提早产生皱纹。
  • 多喝水使肌肤透亮富有光泽。水能清除主要器官内的毒素,同时为细胞运送营养素,对维持肌肤柔嫩富有弹性十分重要。


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