Cyberkien's Music

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One day, a black spider wove a very large web between two eaves in the backyard. Does a spider fly ? How else could it stretch the first thread from one end of the yard to the other, about 10 feet apart ?


I later discovered that the spider had made many turns along the way. From one edge of the eaves, it made a knot, and made its way downward step by step along the wall, with its butt lifted upward so that the thread could be kept away from the sand or other objects on the floor. It crawled across the space, and then made its way up towards the other edge of the eaves until it was at almost the same height. It would then tighten the thread. The same was repeated many, many times.


The morale of the story

The spider does not fly, but it can span its web across the air. It is diligent, sensitive, taciturn yet sturdy insect, whose web is woven in a highly delicate and orderly manner. We must therefore bear in mind that the spider cannot fly, but can still span its web across the air. In our career, we must have a strong belief in success and never give up. This is because faith is a powerful force. If you believe that you will succeed , then you will.


蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它能够把网凝结在半空中。它是勤奋,敏感,沉默而坚韧的昆虫,它的网制得精巧而规 矩,八卦形地张开,仿佛得到神助。于是,我们要记住了蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它照样把网结在空中。在自己的事业上,你必须拥有一颗坚信成功的信念,永不放弃的精 神。因为信念是一种无坚不摧的力量,当你坚信自己能成功时,你必能成功。

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