Cyberkien's Music

Monday, November 17, 2008

心灵小息 二零零八年三月 Spiritual Rest Stop (March 2008)

向前看 !






Look Ahead !

A young man went to the circus wanting to learn how to walk on a tightrope. After a few months, the teacher felt that the young man had been able to master some of the fundamental skills, and wanted him to formally train on the tightrope.

Despite the fact that there was a safety net spread underneath him, the young man was dead afraid, as it was the first time he ever had to walk so high above the ground. After walking a couple of steps, he looked down. The more he looked down, the more fearful he got, and he almost lost his balance.

Just then the teacher shouted from the floor something that gave the young man renewed confidence : "Look ahead !"

Think about it :

You are your own teacher. Whenever you are facing difficulty or challenges, tell yourself, "Look ahead !" Be focused and face the present.

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